Fast quick start of a red-letter day

A red-letter day is defined as a day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable. It is any day of special significance or opportunity.   The word comes from the late 1300s when important days were marked in red ink in calendars made in monasteries and convents. I choose to start each day with a planned perfectContinue reading “Fast quick start of a red-letter day”

Message of Encouragment & Hope

This is Kenneth O’Neal. I am reaching out to you with a message of encouragement and hope during this challenging time; a moment in time we will not soon forget. We are in this together and I want to share some ideas I believe will allow you to become STRONGER. Some of you know IContinue reading “Message of Encouragment & Hope”

Criticism and Evaluation

The Effective Communication Class at Greystone Preparatory School consists of three specific components: Planned, prepared and presented speeches Profound thinking extemporaneous comments Evaluation and feedback, commonly called Criticism All of our students are leaders and high-performance candidates for the military service academies. The following is a portion of my lecture and class presentation on BecomingContinue reading “Criticism and Evaluation”